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Standards and Guidelines

VT Building Footprints Geospatial Data Standard

This standard applies to Vermont’s master building footprints geospatial dataset as managed by the defined Data Steward.

• Define a data standard that supports use of data which models building footprints in multiple contexts; contexts include emergency management, planning, and analysis. NOTE: This standard and the associated statewide building footprints dataset is NOT intended for uses such as property assessment and site engineering.
• Define a data standard that supports a workflow which merges best-available building-footprint data from multiple sources into a single dataset stewarded by VT Enhanced 911 Board; sources include local governments, RPCs (regional planning commissions), lidar, aerial imagery, and the public domain.
• Define a data standard that supports availability of high-quality building footprint data–in terms of shape integrity and attribute integrity.

Vermont Utility Pole GIS Data Standard

The purpose of the VT GIS Pole Data Standard is to foster a uniform system for pole information. It is designed for all utilities and telecom organizations to effectively plan and manage their infrastructure over time. The Standard identifies the type and form of information about utility poles that are most useful. This can be used to guide decisions about what information to collect and maintain on these assets.

This Standard is for use by all of Vermont’s pole-owning utilities and telecom organizations and their consultants or contractors.

The Vermont Department of Public Service is the steward for the Standard. Individual pole owners are responsible for the datasets related to poles they own.

Nothing in this Standard requires its adoption, either in whole or in part, by any entity, including pole owners or other users.

ArcSDE Configuration and Management Guidelines

This guideline is designed to help agencies in the State of Vermont who plan
to configure and manage an ArcSDE1 installation. It includes a set of guidelines that
will help ensure greater compatibility between Agencies in the State of Vermont. The
hope is that this will lead to improved data sharing and exchange, and create the
foundation for an Enterprise VGIS System.
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