This Standard is intended to draw together all documentation and
references related to the development and maintenance of Vermont's
master road centerline spatial data layer. It outlines the structure of
Vermont's road centerline data layer (TransRoad_RDS), herein referred
to as RDS. This document will act as a road map to the future of this
data layer. This standard will be phased in over a period of time. It will
not be implemented all at once. Financial and organizational constraints
will dictate the pace of implementation.
references related to the development and maintenance of Vermont's
master road centerline spatial data layer. It outlines the structure of
Vermont's road centerline data layer (TransRoad_RDS), herein referred
to as RDS. This document will act as a road map to the future of this
data layer. This standard will be phased in over a period of time. It will
not be implemented all at once. Financial and organizational constraints
will dictate the pace of implementation.
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