EGC GeoEnlightenment: Data Sharing Through ArcGIS Living Atlas
Are you a user of ESRI's Living Atlas content? Open Street Map? If yes—or you are at least curious about these great mapping tools and how Vermont's map data reaches them—please join us for our GeoEnlightenment session on Wednesday, May 10th from 11:00 AM - 12 noon eastern time.
ESRI’s Content CTO Deane Kensok will offer a free remote talk on new opportunities for map data publishing and sharing. Deane brings years of experience working with ArcGIS Online, the Living Atlas, OSM, the Community Maps Program, and is excited to share new developments in foundational map data publishing and distribution.
See the Microsoft Teams meeting details below to join.
Hope to see you there,
Vermont's Enterprise GIS Consortium
Microsoft Teams meeting
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