30cm resolution coverage for Southern and Northeast Vermont, 15cm resolution for select areas in the North
Join us June 4th 2020 in Burlington, VT at Main Street Landing for the Geoforum 2020 conference.
Online library hosts digital copies of land surveys of boundary line adjustments and subdivisions as prepared by Vermont licensed land surveyors
See what anywhere in Vermont looked like from above more than five decades ago
Data 900 Times More Detailed than Existing Statewide Land Cover Products
The webinar video providing an overview of the GeoPackage file format is now available.
H.526 Establishes the Creation of a Statewide Survey Library, Requirement for Boundary Line Changes
Learn to use our web map tile services (WMTS) in QGIS.
Learn to georeference historical VT imagery in QGIS and tips to consider along the way.
Updates to the statewide coverage of standardized parcel data are made as individual towns are completed.