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Enterprise GIS Consortium

ArcSDE Configuration and Management Guidelines

This guideline is designed to help agencies in the State of Vermont who plan
to configure and manage an ArcSDE1 installation. It includes a set of guidelines that
will help ensure greater compatibility between Agencies in the State of Vermont. The
hope is that this will lead to improved data sharing and exchange, and create the
foundation for an Enterprise VGIS System.

Vermont GPS Guidelines

This section can be used as a stand-alone reference to aid users of Global Positioning Technology (GPS) in gaining a better
understanding of the technology and to improve the quality and accuracy of the data they acquire. It also provides the
foundation for Section B - Data Accuracy Standards and Section C - Content Specifications that are geared to support
project where GPS data is acquired through contractual agreements.

Managing Data Layer Updates

Data maintenance is often an expensive yet neglected aspect of
managing GIS data. Each data layer is unique and will have its own
system for making and tracking updates. By consequence, tools for
data maintenance are generally not built into GIS software.
This guideline contains a collection of techniques and procedures for
managing GIS data layer updates. Appropriate techniques can be
adopted (with modification as need be) for a given data layer. Some
data layers change very little over time, and may only require simple
procedures for reporting errors and making rare revisions. Other layers
change often and require procedures for recording updates in a manner
that supports quality control and tracking of changes over time. A full
range of techniques is discussed here, including methods which enable
an audit trail of modifications over time for a given feature. The text is
primarily intended for those familiar with the Arc/Info GIS software.
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